We invite you to contribute your images and stories to the Instagram version of the Heart of NY map.
Post pictures of your favorite places in Central New York, and tell us what you love about it.
Then, hashtag #heartofnymapmural or tag @heartofnymapmural to be featured on our Instagram!
Check on the Heart of NY Map Mural Instagram
Find your favorite places in Central New York - streets, rivers, and hills are named as well as highways, railroads, and county boundaries plotted as of 2017. About 18,000 square miles of US Geologic Survey topographic data are mapped onto a 300 square foot mural along the sidewalk side of TechWorks!, 321 Water Street, Binghamton.
The TechWorks! Here in the Heart of NY map mural project was made possible with generous support from AARP. Projects like these make our community a great place for all ages.